
Home Workouts With Toddlers - tips and tricks

People ask me all the time "HOW ARE YOU ABLE TO DO THAT WITH LITTLE KIDS AT HOME?" I recently went from 20minute workouts to 1hr workouts and found it a little bit of a challenge keep my kiddos happy while I completed my is the collection of things i have compiled to keep them a little occupied while I do my home workout: 1. i bought them "kids weights"  so they could "workout" with me! :) 2. i put up poster in the same room so i can ask them "where is the circle?", "where is the #5?" and other poster related questions to get them out from underfoot.  3. for christmas my parents got them these magnetic tiles - they are only allowed to play with them during workout time 4. we have two of these awesome 'learning towers" that we setup at the counter (i workout right infront of this) here is a link to a similar one  https

Whole Food Plant Based Tuna Sandwich

YUMMMMMY! This is my first time making a WHOLE FOOD PLANT BASED (WFPB) "VEGAN TUNA" SANDWICH and the verdict is that is it AAAAAAMAZING! :) I used 'just mayo" (chipotle flavor) and it tastes soooo good :) should you want to purchase items used in this post here is what I use and my amazon associate link to the items:  veggie chopper: instant pot: air fryer: vegan under pressure: mushroom slicer: everything but the bagel mix: thug kitchen: 

How to keep with a workout program lifestyle not diet

I've tried just about every workout program and fad diet out there and THIS IS FINALLY WORKING! WHY? when i first started this program a mom in a catholic mom group asked everyone in this mom group "what are you doing for our lady of fatima in the 100th year of her appearing?" AND I was blown way - i decided that i was going to offer up my fitness and food to our lady! She said to the children of Fatima that the devil would attack us through the family...and she attacks my family via food - making me not as good as a women bc of my desire for food - booooo! I focus my journey on faith, family, fitness and food. I consecrated myself to Jesus through our lady and offer all the graces I would receive to her to do with as she sees fit. She has taken those blessings and blessed me 1000 times more. If you want things to turn out better in life - offer them to our lady! She will always look out for you! if you want help figuring out how to do me and i can he

Preparing for beachbody's little obsessed and or 80 day obsession - wher...

OKAY! You are ready to start the journey to become OBSESSED! To kick off you'll need to watch this video about what you'll need to buy, print, and do to get started off right. my biggest tip about succeeding at 80DO is to have an accountability group - journeying with someone a group is KEY to making it to day 80 :) Need a group email me at and u can join mine :)

33 Day Consecration - OUR LADY OF FATIMA

****FIT FOR FATIMA PRAYER GROUP**** I am hosting my ANNUAL FREE Consecration retreat / prayer group! Any and all women are welcome to join - please comment below or send me a message and I will add u to the group. Please be sure to order your copy of 33 Day Consecration ASAP - The group will start APRIL 10 and run thru MAY 13 - feast day of OUR LADY OF FATIMA.

Smokey Maple Marinade for Tofu (WFPB diet)

this marinade is AMAZING!!!! Typically, i just use liquid aminos and a little spicy sesame oil BUT THIS marinade from THUG KITCHEN is soooo legit! :)

Spicy Garlic Asian String Beans

Our local Chinese restaurant makes the best spicy garlic string beans!!! OR SO I THOUGHT!!!! My mom recreated and improved upon their recipe. I am head over heals fo these string beans! They are easy to do and reheat for food prep AWESOMELY! ENJOY!